HSH Press Release – February 15, 2017

Hammonton, NJ (February 15, 2017). The Historical Society of Hammonton invites the public to a free community program to be held Thursday, March 2nd ,8:00 PM at the Canoe Club, Lake Park, Hammonton. Programs are free, provided as a service to the community. There is no requirement to be a member of HSH to attend. The program is videoed and a copy is placed in our archives so that now or future generations will be provided with a snapshot of Hammonton’s past.

Program for the evening will be presented by Mark Demitroff, an Adjunct Instructor of Geology at Stockton University. He widely lectures and publishes on land-surface processes, past permafrost, and Pine Barrens geography. Mark practices as a NJ Certified Tree Expert, and serves on the boards of the US Permafrost Association, the South Jersey Culture and History Center, and the Vineland Historical & Antiquarian Society, and is a member of the West Jersey Historical Round Table.

His presentation is entitled, “Come Earnest Home seekers: Ethnic Settlements in the Pines”. He will take us back to the time when, during the mid-nineteenth century, railroads began to crisscross the Pine Barrens. Immigrants, beckoned by dubious promises of prosperity and independence, settled upon modest garden plots offered at bargain prices. This presentation commemorates the meaning of place for German, Italian, and Jewish settlers who sought security by taming an impoverished wilderness while overcoming social intolerance during a eugenics movement.

Hear the story on Thursday night March 2nd.  Enjoy the evening with friends, HSH members and our speaker.

Refreshments will be served before the program.

About The Historical Society of Hammonton 

The Historical Society of Hammonton was established to provide for generations to come a living collection relating to the rich and unique social, political, economic and cultural heritage of the Town of Hammonton, New Jersey.  The mission of the society is to increase awareness of history relating to Hammonton, New Jersey environs and to establish public access to that history by collecting, conserving, studying, interpreting and promoting the history to the widest audience.