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Sadly, homeowners have discarded many ordinary artifacts though the years without a thought of preserving them for the sake of history.  Today’s humdrum items or yesteryear’s outdated objects are tomorrow’s historical treasures.  Farm implements, land deeds, school memorabilia, local advertising giveaways, household gadgets, toys, laces, linens and all other indications of daily life here in Hammonton that would have served as visual examples of the past are all gone. To prevent this from happening, the Historical Society of Hammonton has a documented process in place to preserve, document, and protect those items.

It’s important for us not to throw out papers or objects that would serve to display life as it was to those who will follow in years to come.

Whenever clearing out an estate or downsizing your own possessions, check out that bottom kitchen drawer or the one in the nightstand or dresser.  If you think you have an item such as a ledger, vintage wooden cranberry scoop, kitchen or workshop tool with a Hammonton business name on it, photo or any personal item that is unique to Hammonton’s history, please consider gifting it to this Society.  Or if you have treasured family items and no one to preserve them, this is an acceptable alternative.  Every family name must be mentioned in the annals of this historic group and your name is important to that goal.  Please be assured that your gifts will be documented and protected.  Email us at 

The HSH is a 501-C3 organization.  All donations are tax deductible.