HSH Press Release – November 7, 2021

Hammonton, NJ. The Historical Society of Hammonton, HSH, invites the public to a free community program to be held Thursday November 7th, 8:00 PM at the Canoe Club, Lake Park, Hammonton. Programs are free, provided as a service to the community. There is no requirement to be a member of HSH to attend. The program is videoed and a copy is placed in our archives so that current or future generations will be provided with a snapshot of Hammonton History.

In honor of Oak Grove Cemetery Association’s160th Birthday, the presentation on November 7th will be made by their Administrator, Robyn Berenato. Robyn will share her extensive knowledge of Oak Grove history and local lore. In addition to her work with Oak Grove she is employed as Administrative Assistant at Atlantic Cape College. Her fascination with Genealogy has led her to begin her own business, “Discovering Yesterday”‘ with clients throughout the country. Currently working on her Master’s Degree in American University at American Public University she still finds time to serve as the college choir director. If you are reading this in the Gazette you will note that her husband, Joseph F Berenato, former blueberry grower is now their lead journalist. Given Robyn and Josephs love for history and genealogy you may find the two exploring New Jersey cemeteries on the weekends.

Won’t you join us on November 7th.

About the Historical Society of Hammonton

The Historical Society of Hammonton was established to provide for generations to come a living collection relating to the rich and unique social, political, economic and cultural heritage of the Town of Hammonton, New Jersey. The mission of the society is to increase awareness of history relating to Hammonton, New Jersey environs and to establish public access to that history by collecting, conserving, studying, interpreting and promoting the history to the widest audience.